St. Germaine: Sign Your Declaration of Freedom

Write across the sky, the oceans, and on each person’s heart that you encounter, write the word LOVE … Linda: How we’re going to start this morning, or this afternoon, wherever you are, is to go into our hearts. And I have chosen… I was guided, actually, to choose a...

Yeshua ~ The Human Heart Will Seek The Peaceful Way

The human heart will seek the peaceful way, not in subservience, but in acknowledgement of individual innate Divine Authority and the desire for peace and harmony. Another precious channelled gem lovingly shared by Tom from his personal reading with Linda Dillon....

Jesus Sananda ~ This Journey Called Life

…this journey you call “life” and I have called “life” is not simply a matter of getting through. Oh, no! It is a matter of love, it is a matter of joy, it is a matter of compassion. This beautiful gem is lovingly shared by Tom from his personal reading with...