by Mary Valanzano
Meditation: As we’re stepping aside, let’s take a few deep breaths of that really rich, beautiful, beautiful magenta. It’s the color of a really nice good red wine, it’s that perfect balance of that blue and red…blue for our throats, red for our root, our...
by Mary Valanzano
Yeshua, channeled by Linda Dillon Greetings, I AM Yeshua, I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM your beloved Yeshi, and I do not ask the Holiness to step aside but rather I edge in next to him. I address this perfect question of how to connect with those with differing opinions,...
by Mary Valanzano
Buddha, channeled by Linda Dillon I AM Buddha. I am the Wayfarer, I am the wanderer, I am the seeker and the bestower. And I welcome you this day and in fact, I welcome you every day…haha…but you do not always welcome me. But, that is not a problem, that is not a...
by Ellen Nairn
The key is to truly look in the mirror – in Michael’s Blue Mirror of Truth – and to gaze and to see the truth and the beauty and the might and the humility of who you really are. At the behest of the Magdalena, Elle shares this sweet gem from a recent reading with...
by Mary Valanzano
Treat yourself with kindness, and then, knowing the joy, the purity, the sweetness of how that feels, then you are able and eager to share that kindness with others… Kuthumi ~ Time for Kindness to Be the Operating System HEART CALL – March 2019 Meditation: So,...
by Mary Valanzano
What it means to be a Nova Being is that you have shifted from the will to dominate, from the will to control, to the will to do good, and this addiction to domination and control comes to an end. “When You ‘Will To Do Good’, Your World Shifts” El Morya Linda...