The Buddha ~ Compassion is Part of How You Express Love
Buddha, channeled by Linda Dillon I AM Buddha. I am the Wayfarer, I am the wanderer, I am the seeker and the bestower. And I welcome you this day and in fact, I welcome you every day…haha…but you do not always welcome me. But, that is not a problem, that is not a...The Buddha Speaks To Judgment And Discernment
by Ellen Nairn
Be sure to listen to the meditation! The Buddha wishes to give each and every person who listens to this show the gift of discernment, wisdom, awe and compassion, and for this gift to be part of our very being to use every single day and to call upon throughout...The Laws of Magnification and Transubstantiation
by Linda Dillon
The seventh original 13th Octave channeling: Over the years we have been taught in-depth about Universal law – about how things work – but this my friends was the beginning… Greetings, I am Maitreya, brother of magenta, balance of the East, traveler...Celebrate Compassion and Wesak, the Full Moon of Buddha
Compassion is a sweetness and an understanding of what another is experiencing and a sending of Love to aid. What I give you is the power of Compassion that reassures and that allows your heart and your eyes to be open to see where there is human suffering. I...Breathing Compassion with the Buddha
by Linda Dillon
Come and sit with the Buddha, under the bodhi tree, and breathe. Breathe compassion. Did you know we actually take thousands of breaths a day, over 20,000. . . . With the deeper understanding of compassion comes the realization we have thousands of opportunities to...