Archangel Metatron ~ Let Us Bring Flowers To Your Heart
by Ellen Nairn
Let us bring the fragrance of spring and summer and new beginnings. Let us bring the beauty of the blossoms… It is remembering that deepest connection to the Mother’s garden. This delightful gem is lovingly shared by Sarah from her personal reading with Linda...Divine Mother on Choices ~ Food Choices, Sexual Intimacy Choices, the Pause Choices
by Ellen Nairn
I created humans to be able to have, in genuine sexual intimacy, a similar experience of what it is to merge with me. Another fabulous gem lovingly shared by Hairol from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. Divine Mother on Choices ~ Food Choices, Sexual Intimacy...St. Germaine ~ The Delightful Journey of Becoming and Never-ending Expansion
by Ellen Nairn
Scan the wide variety of what lies ahead, what lies before you, and then, beloved, choose what makes your heart sing… not a quiet hum; yes, that is nice, that is pleasant… but go for what makes your heart thunder like a full-blown band! This wonderful gem...Ellisianna ~ The Unique Gift of Twin Flames Bestowed by the Mother
by Ellen Nairn
It is not merely an esoteric or spiritual, mental or emotional, or even physical love; it is the mirroring of the Divine personal love to each other. Another delightful gem lovingly shared by Andrew from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. Ellisianna ~ The Unique...Divine Mother ~ The Process of Being in Form and Beyond Form, and the Creator Race
by Ellen Nairn
This advancement, or progression, shall I say, into unity, in form, with a consciousness that is beyond form, is the goal of my Plan. It is the restoration. This inspirational gem material is lovingly shared by Hairol from his personal reading with Linda Dillon....