Sanat Kumara ~ Where are we now regarding Ascension?
A wonderful discussion between Linda, Steve, and Graham that starts the show. Then Sanat Kumara, Raj, enters giving us his perspective on where the human collective is along the Ascension process, what to look forward to, and how to improve the process the next time...Sanat Kumara: We’ve come to a place of the integrated self
…every person is reaching a place of acknowledgment of the definition of their integrated wholeness…I have begun this day by suggesting to you that the Mother’s dream and desire, which becomes intent and creation, extends as a straight laser line of...Sanat Kumara discusses Spiritual Exhaustion…
…when you are feeling this sense of exhaustion it is a signal, on every level… Back up, go into your cave… Take the time to replenish, not merely your spirit, take time to replenish your physical self… in this time of your evolution and the...Sanat Kumara ~ Concrete ways to use Universal Laws in our daily lives…
by Linda Dillon
When you are riding the wave of the Tsunami, you are healing the billions. And when you are being the observer, you are practicing the Law. And when you are practicing the Law, you are sending out and being the transmitter of all the Divine Qualities. You are doing a...Sanat Kumara answers: How do we shift into the fullness of abundance?
by Linda Dillon
…open your arms my beloved friends and bring in the abundance of what you desire of these codes and bring them in directly through that portal of your heart, bring it in right now. And understand as you do this, as you bring forth an abundance of awe, of joy, of...