In Favor of Life

A beautiful reminder from a recent channel that reminds us what is truly transpiring with the shifts upon Gia and the overwhelming presence of war. A reminder how critical it is for each of us to stay grounded deep within the heart of Gaia. xxx Linda Gaia. in her...

Yeshua ~ Fabulous Unshackled Neutrality!

We want you unshackled in fabulous ways, in magnificent ways, in ways that are authentic and true first to yourself… HEART CALL ~ October 2024 Yeshua ~ Fabulous Unshackled Neutrality! Greetings, I am Yeshi, I am Yeshua, I am Jesus Sananda, I am brother, I am friend, I...

Valdar ~ This New Day of One

Everything is in readiness – and might I say, my beloved brother, that includes you and that includes your sacred circle – so we bring you this message of good tidings, of glad joy! Valdar ~ This New Day of One Another wonderfully uplifting Channelled Gem lovingly...

Divine Mother ~ The Pattern Of Your Sacred Being

Your pattern, your sacred beauty, your might, your unique contribution to my unfoldment, which is your unfoldment, it is NOW. Not 20 years hence and not 20 years past. It is in your time and my time, NOW! AUTUMN EQUINOX ~ 22 September 2024 Divine Mother ~ The Pattern...