Archangel Michael ~ Creating Sacred Union between What is Occurring and ‘The Knowing’ of What is Occurring
by Ellen Nairn
It is ‘the knowing’ that contributes to the clearing of the collective. Another inspiring Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Thadiel from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ~ CREATING SACRED UNION BETWEEN WHAT IS OCCURRING AND ‘THE KNOWING’...Archangel Michael ~ Supporting The Shift From Longing To Recognition That The Love Is There!
by Ellen Nairn
The longing for ‘always more’ is infinite and eternal. You cannot say, “Oh, I have enough love and that is that.” Of course not! Another delightful Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Thadiel from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ~ SUPPORTING...Albert Einstein – Your Interdimensional Journey
by Linda Dillon
Greetings, I AM Albert, I AM Albert Einstein. You can call me Dr. Einstein, or you can say, “Hey you!” I will answer to whatever you do. Hello and welcome. I hope you didn’t think, simply because I had written, channeled, talked to her about the work that I wish to...Archangel Gabrielle ~ A Time of Decision
by Ellen Nairn
Archangel Gabrielle ~ A Time of Decision Greetings from the Council of Love. I am Gabrielle, Herald of God and Messenger of One. I come this day to speak to all lightworkers, not only across North America but across the world, of love and joy, of a new way of being....