Archangel Uriel Speaks Of Potential

Everything is possible! Anything is possible! A beautiful channelled gem lovingly shared by Susan from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel Uriel Speaks Of Potential Greetings, I am Uriel, Archangel of Silver, Ruby, Gold… you can give me any ray and...

5 – Love+ Peace Amidst Chaos

  With all the apparent chaos occurring around us, how do we find and maintain peace within – so to be the clear, calm beacons of light and love guiding others through the storm? In this week’s podcast, Love+ Peace Amidst Chaos, Linda and the COL answers...

Reminder: Come Together in Love – Videos

…for there is work to be done and there are many waiting… Reminder: Come Together in Love Archangel Uriel Saturday Conference Call  20180804 Linda Dillon                 Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: So, today belongs…well, it belongs to each and...


Who is the ascended/ascending self? What are its essential components, and how do you recognize this multidimensional being, the heart of who you are? And what does it mean to be ascending and descending all at the same time? Join Linda Dillon and the Council of Love,...

Archangel Uriel Discusses The Current Eclipse Season

With thanks to Megann for this beautiful Channelled Gem from her personal reading with Linda and Archangel Uriel. Megann: I’m so curious about this coming eclipse of the moon and solar eclipse, which I find so fascinating with its mixing of the silver and the gold...