Archangel Michael ~ The Meaning of Unity & Community

Now why do I come and say this today? Because in the midst of this chaos, the people need to know how well they are doing. And it is not just that the tide will turn, it has turned! Archangel Michael ~ The Meaning of Unity & Community This wonderfully inspiring...

Archangel Michael ~ Assuming Form as Pillars of Light

“This is your undertaking, this is your creation of Nova Earth as Nova Gaians…” HEART CALL – November 2023 Archangel Michael ~ Assuming Form as Pillars of Light Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News and we come to join you in...

LOVE is the Declaration of Freedom

On our Heart Call this month, both Archangel Michael and St. Germaine addressed the freedoms afforded us as we create Nova Earth. Claim and celebrate these tools that help us return, not only back to love but back to freedom. Channeling: Archangel Michael Greetings, I...