Divine Mother: Choosing the Love
There are moments that you stop and go, “Oh, I forgot to go to the love, to be the love, to feel the love.” It is most important that you bring this vibration into every moment…Channeled by Dana Zook It is I, Divine Mother, speaking again for the entire Council as we...Divine Mother: Dropping into the Heart
If you think there is no movement, drop into your heart and just feel the love. That love creates universes. That love is movement. I am movement. Channeled by Dana Zook. I am Divine Mother and I come here, my beautiful children, to enfold you in my arms, in my heart...Divine Mother is Holding the Vision of Nova Earth
This world is moving one step at a time towards what you call Nova Earth. It is waiting for your vibrations to rise up so that you can see it. Channeled by Dana Zook. It is I, Divine Mother. I am here my beloved children of love and light, to once again embrace you...Jesus Sananda: Overcoming the Struggle
To struggle itself is not the hard part. It’s when the struggle is on its own, without the addition of love or laughter or joy; when it becomes imbalanced…Channeled by Dana Zook I am Jesus Sananda. Welcome. And welcome to you my beloveds! I feel sad in my heart for...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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