by Mary Valanzano
Nova Earth, where peace reigns and love is not a strange expression but the new normal. Mother of Gaia, Planet of Infinite Love Divine Mother Mary Saturday Conference Call Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: I am...
by Mary Valanzano
We are eager to reconnect in form, on planet, and share not only our technology and our wisdom but our hearts. Galea of Our Star Family: Our Reunion is Close at Hand Saturday Conference Call Linda Dillon, Channel for the Council of Love Channeling: Greetings, I AM...
by Mary Valanzano
Treat yourself with kindness, and then, knowing the joy, the purity, the sweetness of how that feels, then you are able and eager to share that kindness with others… Kuthumi ~ Time for Kindness to Be the Operating System HEART CALL – March 2019 Meditation: So,...
by Mary Valanzano
Let us sweep away all that you perceive as mistakes you’ve made in the past. Channeled by Lee Degani. I am the Divine Mother. I come to you today in all my glory, in all my love, in all my Blue sparkling Diamond…and that diamond is you, beloved. Oh, you sometimes...
by Mary Valanzano
What it means to be a Nova Being is that you have shifted from the will to dominate, from the will to control, to the will to do good, and this addiction to domination and control comes to an end. “When You ‘Will To Do Good’, Your World Shifts” El Morya Linda...