by Ellen Nairn
You are obtaining a new understanding of harmony and balance, and what it means to be in that balance with All. The Mother’s Spring Equinox 2023 Message ~ A New Understanding Greetings! And yes, we will go gently for I am Maré, I am Mother, I am Constancy, I am...
by Linda Dillon
As Archangel Jophiel steps forward to guide us in this New Time, it is important that we come to know him more clearly – and dearly! xxx Linda Archangel Jophiel: Bringer of the Grail, Keeper of Time, Archangel of Balance & Unity, Archangel of Temperance &...
by Linda Dillon
I originally channeled this powerful message in 2003! Now Archangel Gabrielle is beckoning us once more to come together and shine our grid, clear the debris on ourselves and Gaia and enter clean and shiny into the Mother’s New Time! You’re invited! xxx...
by Ellen Nairn
Commander Playd’or brings us this fascinating update and follow-on from our recent Star Family Gathering* [link below]… especially for those who feel they are simply hanging on for dear life! Such places as the Pleiadian sector, Xeres, X-Xeres, and CeeCeeCee will...
by Ellen Nairn
As ZenZuriah has told you many times, it is the decisions you make now that affect whether these Cities will truly anchor and come into form, or into a form that you will experience on Nova Earth. Greetings, I AM Maitreya, Buddha of Love, Bringer of the Future, in...
by Linda Dillon
The Sunday Evening Peace Meditation circle now meets on Wednesday Evenings! Nothing Else has changed! Every Sunday night people from all over the world gather to mediate, pray and anchor peace. The Sunday night peace meditation was implemented at the suggestion of the...