Yeshua ~ I Would Like To Walk Along With You
by Ellen Nairn
May I walk with you not only this June but in the Mother’s New Time, in the Cities of Light, upon Nova Earth? Yeshua ~ I Would Like To Walk Along With You Greetings, I am Yeshua, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshi, I am Love and so are you! Is that not the beginning, the...Yeshua ~ You Are In A Time Of Divine Fertility
by Ellen Nairn
In the sprawling tapestry of existence, we weave threads of countless stories. The grandest of narratives are often those told in hushed tones, in the quiet communion with the ethereal and the divine. It is in this sacred space that we encounter Jesus Sananda, also...Archangel Uriel’s Spring Equinox 2023 Message ~ Stay in the Present!
by Ellen Nairn
When you think of the future and what you wish to create, what you know your soul design demands, then you bring it, you embrace it, and you bring it into the present. Archangel Uriel’s Spring Equinox 2023 Message ~ Stay in the Present! I am Uriel, Archangel of...The Mother’s Spring Equinox 2023 Message ~ A New Understanding
by Ellen Nairn
You are obtaining a new understanding of harmony and balance, and what it means to be in that balance with All. The Mother’s Spring Equinox 2023 Message ~ A New Understanding Greetings! And yes, we will go gently for I am Maré, I am Mother, I am Constancy, I am...Archangel Jophiel – Who I AM
by Linda Dillon
As Archangel Jophiel steps forward to guide us in this New Time, it is important that we come to know him more clearly – and dearly! xxx Linda Archangel Jophiel: Bringer of the Grail, Keeper of Time, Archangel of Balance & Unity, Archangel of Temperance &...