Archangel Gabrielle: “The Song of Joy” – Video

Gabby says, “It is my honor, my joy, my purpose, to conjoin with you to fill you with joy!” Meditation: Let’s begin this beautiful day, whether it’s stormy, or cloudy, or sunny, or gray, or whether big blue is out. Let’s begin by taking a nice, deep breath...

Archangel Michael on The Apparent Chaos in Our World

The recognition of what is transpiring upon your beloved planet and upon and within your hearts and your society collectives is unavoidable. An Hour with An Angel Radioshow Steve: Good evening everyone and welcome to An Hour with an Angel.  I’m Steve Beckow, editor in...

Archangel Gabrielle: The joy is within you

Feel it…it flows the way the blood flows within you…Channeled by Lee Degani. My, my, my, I am Gabrielle, bringer of joy, bringer of golden joy. And it does my heart good to see the joy that is within you, that is within all of you. Even when you are feeling tired,...