The Gift of Jesus Sananda’s Magenta Tri-flame

Jesus Sananda has requested me to re-post this channeling today on the gift of his Magenta Tri-Flame – enjoy. This is an incredible gifting from Jesus Sananda to each of us. It is a 2 part series, and I would recommend you do them in order. The vibration is...

Mary Magdalene shares her experience as a channel

In Linda’s latest webinar “How to Channel” Mary Magdalene talks of some of her experience on Gaia that is as relevant now as it was back then… Greetings. I AM the Magdalena, yes many of you know me as Mary and it is my joy to be with you and to...

Sanat Kumara ~ 3 Universal Laws we may not know about

So what I am doing, before I go any further, I am making a solemn commitment to each of you. If you are not certain how these laws that I am discussing with you work, then call me, invoke my name, invoke my energy, invoke my wisdom; I am here to help the planet...