by Linda Dillon
Jesus Sananda has requested me to re-post this channeling today on the gift of his Magenta Tri-Flame – enjoy. This is an incredible gifting from Jesus Sananda to each of us. It is a 2 part series, and I would recommend you do them in order. The vibration is...
by Mary Valanzano
…these are essential tools and it is what I have to share with you and so I do so joyfully; I do so in gratitude that you will accept these humble gifts from me… GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, I’m GD....
by Mary Valanzano
I give you the pearl because it has many layers and the more you do, the more you forgive, the deeper you go into the mercy of what is right and just and balanced, the more lustrous, the more beautiful the pearl becomes. It is not a clear gem, it does not sparkle with...
by Mary Valanzano
In Linda’s latest webinar “How to Channel” Mary Magdalene talks of some of her experience on Gaia that is as relevant now as it was back then… Greetings. I AM the Magdalena, yes many of you know me as Mary and it is my joy to be with you and to...
by Mary Valanzano
…come with me and let us travel throughout your world, this beautiful planet that is in transformation; travel with me to the higher dimensions, to the higher realms, wherever you wish to go but stay in the stillness because that is where wisdom lives, that is...
by Mary Valanzano
So what I am doing, before I go any further, I am making a solemn commitment to each of you. If you are not certain how these laws that I am discussing with you work, then call me, invoke my name, invoke my energy, invoke my wisdom; I am here to help the planet...