Jesus Sananda: I Offer You My Heart – Videos

I have never said, “I will give you this little bit.  I will give you an ounce of love.  I will give you ten ounces or a cup of compassion.  I will share this tiny thread of what I know.” No, I have always and continue to offer you who I am. Linda Dillon              ...

Yeshua: You Are Mine and I Am Yours – Videos

You Are Mine and I Am Yours Yeshua Saturday Conference Call Linda Dillon               Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: So, let’s begin, let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of the softest, sweetest, gentlest pink; the pink of a sweetheart rose, of a...

4 – Love+ Ascended You

How do we know we are ascended? What does it feel like to be in our ascended self? In “Love+ Ascended You,” our beloved friend and ally St. Germaine invites us to look in the mirror, open the door and step into our I AM – for we are already there! And Linda...

Yeshua ~ Staying the Course of Love

…when you are staying the course of love, when you are staying the course of truly seeking and living in the truth, then the high-jinks drama, the fabrication, the manipulation, simply disappears. A beautiful Gem shared from a recent personal reading with Linda...

The Triad: Prayer, Meditation, Sacred Ritual – Videos

Your pathway home is through this gift of the triad.              The Triad: Prayer, Meditation, Sacred Ritual Jesus Sananda Saturday Conference Call Linda Dillon                 Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: So, let’s begin by breathing magenta – that...