Sanat Kumara ~ Universal Law: Operating System for Nova Earth
You are entering into a beautiful new realm and chapter of existence; it is what you have asked for, prayed for, worked for, and yearned for. In this realm of existence there is only one operating system, Universal Law, and it begins with you embracing every minute...Sanat Kumara ~ Choose Love And Action!
by Ellen Nairn
Look for your tangible projects, formulate them, and step forth in the declaration of what you choose to create upon the planet. The time of action is upon you! Heavenly Blessings Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal...Sanat Kumara ~ Universal Law is not the Jail Cell but the Releasing Key
…when you are working, applying, invoking, utilizing the laws, it makes your life easier because you are in that alignment with the Mother/Father/One in its most simplistic terms, and its most complex. That is what Universal Law is. Universal Law is not the Jail...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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