by Mary Valanzano
Tonight, Archangel Michael invites us to “play” in his blue flame of truth, to remember our magnificence and grow by integrating the Love energies that are beaming to us from the Heart of One GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda...
by Mary Valanzano
What has happened is we have been pushing the boulder uphill, uphill, uphill. Well, it is the final push! It is on the summit. And now, push it, let it roll downhill, let it gather steam; let it clear the way for new ways of being, where all that is available is...
by Mary Valanzano
What an informative show this week as Archangels Michael and Gabrielle discuss the Angelic realm and their interaction with humanity.. Geoffrey West: Hello, and blessings to you. And welcome to An Hour with an Angel, a weekly radio program with Linda Dillon, the...
by Mary Valanzano
On the new blog talk radio show airing, Thursdays 7 p.m. EST, Archangel Michael gifts us with his two-sided sword, the Destroyer and the Healer and his shield so we can stand as the peaceful warrior… GD: Hello, and welcome to Heavenly Blessings, with Linda...
by admin
Archangel Michael says he hears our wish for some tangible evidence of this remarkable time. He recognizes that many lightworkers are at their wits end waiting for something to happen. An Hour with An Angel Radio Show – Jan 2, 2012 GD: Hello, and welcome to An Hour...
by admin
Archangel Michael encourages us to awaken fully in our warrior/creator selves, that there are too many still hiding their light, though those who are ready to ascend have increased exponentially. He continues: do not spend time in worry or fear, and have trust. He...