by Mary Valanzano
You are seeing all over your planet the warriors of light who step forward and demand their freedom. They may think that they are asking for financial freedom, political freedom, social justice, but what they are really asking for is to be free to be themselves, the...
by Mary Valanzano
I come to remind you that this state of being in gratitude, of being in joy, of being in thanksgiving is where we ask you to be, to live and to remain. One of the things, one of the aspects of our partnership, our union, that you do not always know or acknowledge is...
by Mary Valanzano
…we are speaking of the unity of the collective, of sacred union — with yourselves, with the Divine, with each other, with sacred partners, with friends, with family, with community…the crux of the new sacred union energy — and I am pleading with you,...
by Mary Valanzano
I wish to speak this day about the importance of union. You are anchoring union with yourself, with beloved partners, with your family and with your soul family, with your community, with us and with your star family… This picture of the Joshua Tree participants...
by Mary Valanzano
Each of you has heeded my call — to anchor, to embrace, and to allow the energy of the clear blue of clarity, of purity, and yes, of grace. What is the outcome? The outcome is your capacity to love more, to love more fully, to be love more fully, to engage in love...
by Mary Valanzano
Your spiritual quest is not simply done in spirit form, many of you have been at this for your entire lives, consciously or not. You have let go of the idea, the mental construct, the concept that Ascension is being done for you, to you…take the time to reflect...