by Mary Valanzano
As Nova Gaians, you are part and parcel, integral, not only to your Universe, not only to the Multiverse, but to the Mother’s infinite whole… Welcome, welcome, welcome. We have a really full agenda today, and the Council has been talking to me for days and it’s been...
by Mary Valanzano
You are of a new vibration, new in the sense that it is new to you in this world, but it is one that you have been familiar with before. Channeled by Lee Degani. I AM Metatron, archangel, overseer of the work with children, holder of the sacred cube. And I come to...
by Mary Valanzano
I come to show you the beauty that is within thee, the beauty in all, for in the center of every particle there is light …Channeled by Lee Degani. I am Jophiel, Archangel of beauty and I come to you this day to show you the beauty that is within thee. The beauty that...
by Mary Valanzano
The child lives in the now and it is in the moment that is the breath of God. Channeled by Lee Degani. I am Metatron, servant of thee. I come when called and I come to assist all that call upon me. And yes, I work with the children. I work with many but the children...
by Mary Valanzano
Righteousness is being aligned with the Sacred Divine. Channeled by Lee Degani. I am Metatron, your guide, one with the universe. The subject of judgement has come up that you sometimes judge yourself in not having the compassion that you think you should have. But...
by Mary Valanzano
You are our precious children and you are loved without any conditions. It is important you find that love, that acceptance and that forgiveness within yourself, for yourself. Channeled by Dana Zook. I am the one they call Metatron and I am the glue or building...