by Linda Dillon
Archangel Gabrielle speaks of a deeper anchoring of Love. “We know that this is the time of union with your star brothers and sisters, the bringing forth and anchoring of the totality of your star self. But what is this truly about? It is about a deeper anchoring of...
by Linda Dillon
Join me for a free channeled Live Stream on Healing Your Star-Seed Self on May 7th, 2011 at 11 AM EDT. Participation is really simple: plan 45 minutes, and a few minutes beforehand go to the front page of the COL website and sign in – I’m...
by Linda Dillon
I have so much my heart wants to share with you – and all too often the days and weeks slip away. Often I am left with a sense of urgency because during this time of shift I know in my core that it is time to come together like never before. That is why the Council of...
by Linda Dillon
Masaru Emoto’s message on healing the waters of Japan. March 31st, 2011 (Thursday) 12:00 noon in each time zone.
by Linda Dillon
These are the messages of Mother Mary and Gaia on Healing Japan and Terra Gaia. Meditation We begin today by breathing in the blue diamond energy of the Universal Mother. As you begin to feel this energy allow it to cover the Earth, your skin, inside you, breathe it...