by Linda Dillon
Today the InLight Radio team, of which I am a proud part, has announced Disclosure in the youtube video I Know My Galactic Family Is Here. Disclosure is the term used to indicate the presence of our star brothers and sisters on and above Gaia. They have been with us...
by Linda Dillon
The current, and perhaps most insidious, issue we are working on eliminating is control. For those of you who listen to Heavenly Blessings and Hour with an Angel you will know this is a subject Ascended Master St. Germaine and Archangel Michael have been bringing...
by Linda Dillon
Kendall / Miami, Florida August 11-12, 2012 Muskegon, Michigan September 29-30, 2012 Last week we had the first ever Ascension Healing workshop here at my home in Port St. Lucie, Florida. I knew it would be spectacular but we were all blown away by the energy, the...
by Linda Dillon
Do you have a burning question that you have been anxious or excited to pose to the Council? Well, now’s your chance. Beginning this week, the Thursday at 7 p.m. EDT show, Heavenly Blessings, we are opening up the phone lines to have discussion, answer questions and...
by Linda Dillon
Good Morning Fun Seekers, Vicki Harding – New Zealand Carl Rodriques – UK Elaine Wajcium – I think the US but I could be wrong… First off let me thank each and every one of you (57 to be exact) who took the time and trouble to write a review of...