Archangel Gabrielle: “The Song of Joy” – Video

Gabby says, “It is my honor, my joy, my purpose, to conjoin with you to fill you with joy!” Meditation: Let’s begin this beautiful day, whether it’s stormy, or cloudy, or sunny, or gray, or whether big blue is out. Let’s begin by taking a nice, deep breath...

Universal Mother: Break the shackles that hold you back

Erase the illusion that you are less-than, for all the knowledge of the universe is within you. Channeled by Mary Carbaugh. Greetings, my beloved children, my sweet daughters, and to whom all this energy goes out tonight!  I am the Mother, Universal Mother, one with...

Archangel Gabrielle: The joy is within you

Feel it…it flows the way the blood flows within you…Channeled by Lee Degani. My, my, my, I am Gabrielle, bringer of joy, bringer of golden joy. And it does my heart good to see the joy that is within you, that is within all of you. Even when you are feeling tired,...