14 – Love+ A Tapestry of Balance
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[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/spiritbroadcast-com/14-love-a-tapestry-of-balance” social_gplus=”false” social_email=”true” ] This episode of Love+ centers around the theme of balance, featuring an engaging...The New Grid of Humanity – Nova Earth & Nova Being
by Linda Dillon
Universal Mother Mary has asked me to re-post this information today – for us to remember that we are living in a new reality. The old 3rd dimension has faded away. It’s ancient history and energies can only be resurrected if humans persist in the old...Universal Mother Mary – The Splendor of Diversity – Video
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This planet in all her diversity, in all her splendor, in all her beauty and might, quietude and certitude and vitality, she exhibits to you as we exhibit to you the power, the sweetness, the splendor of diversity. . The Splendor of Diversity Universal Mother Mary...The Divine Mother tells us, “This is The Moment of Awakening”
Awaken to life, to your freedom, the divine freedom that is your divine right and gift, and the glory of All That Is. Channeled by Jennifer C. Hello child, it is I, the Divine Mother. You have called and I have answered you. I am beholden to come to you when you...Love+ The Inaugural Show
by admin
Welcome to Love+ Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Mother of hope, Mother of trust, Mother of clarity, Mother of truth, Mother of One, Mother of change and Mother of constancy. For both, sweet ones, have need to be equally welcomed and cherished...