You Are Your Ascended Self

The Mother has come this morning and asked me to share this channel from our Ascended Masters class on the Inspired Self – my friends this is good news for all of us! The Mother guides that  we all need to hear Her declaration! xxx Linda You Are Your Ascended...

Divine Mother Speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4)

Vulnerability is part and parcel of being an ascended being ~ of Nova Being. A beautiful channelled gem shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Divine Mother Speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4) Greetings, I am Mary, I am Maré, Universal Mother,...

Universal Mother Mary ~ Having the Ego in Balance

The greatest shift that is occurring in this collective is the bringing into balance of the individual and the collective ego that has been unbridled and, might I suggest, uncontrolled for far too long, allowing manipulation and deception and abuse. Another beautiful...

Universal Mother Mary ~ The Journey of Soul, Part 1/2

The journey of exploration and the yearning for expression is not merely me/us/One/ALL wanting to have expressions. You are not merely just me having a human experience. Yes, that is part of it – a delightful part of it – but it is also you having your experience, and...

Universal Mother Mary: Love is Love

So understand this and in this see, behold, admire, honour, embrace the grandeur of the Plan – and embrace your place, your expression, in the grandeur of the Plan. A beautiful channelled gem shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Universal Mother...