St. Germaine continues his discussion on Energy Healing
The process of healing with the I AM does not need to be long and arduous. I wish you to take the torch and to hold it with me now to the collective that we burn away, eliminate, any issues of self worth that are not of truth and wonder. This torch of the Violet Flame...St. Germaine discusses ‘Energy Healing and Energy Medicine’
Each of you has the capacity, the talents, the where-with-all to heal and to heal instantaneously and to heal one another.The telepathic, the energetic communication of the healing is how the human race is being transformed. I have never, not on this side or your...Nelson Mandela addresses us from the other side
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InLight Radio producer, GD, has gathered those remarks together and produced a video from them.Archangel Michael Discusses ‘False Grids’ and How to Eliminate Them
You are seeing all over your planet the warriors of light who step forward and demand their freedom. They may think that they are asking for financial freedom, political freedom, social justice, but what they are really asking for is to be free to be themselves, the...Universal Mother Mary ~ The Law of Constancy and Continuity
The Council of Love tells us that this is the law that speaks to everything having a beginning and an end, and at the end, there is always another beginning. Although you finished this series, my beloved ones, the work with the Universal Laws has just begun. Nothing...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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