Sanat Kumara ~ The New Grid of Humanity
by Ellen Nairn
Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, Keeper, in many ways, my friends, of this planet of Earth, of our beloved Gaia, and of her place within the Universe. My dear friends, my beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, I come this day with [Archangel]...Archangel Michael, Serapis Bey & El Morya speak to Peace and Our Part in Bringing it to Fruition
by Ellen Nairn
Peace is not brought to your planet, or anywhere throughout the Multiverse, nor does it come through control and hatred, coercion, distrust, drama. That is simply not the way. It is not the way of love. So what can we do to bring about the truth of Peace, the...Jesus Sananda ~ The Miracle Of Your Resurrection
by Ellen Nairn
If you truly want to be reunited, to be the Love, take my hand and come with me to the 13th Octave. Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshua. I am Yeshua, brother of magenta, brother of peridot. I will be whatever ray or color you desire, but I share my magenta of...