by Mary Valanzano
I have great interest in what is occurring on your planet at this time. And yes, as you well know, I have particular love and fondness for North America, for this is the place of anchoring this freedom and the I Am presence. But it is the anchoring, it is the...
by Mary Valanzano
On Saturday Lord Maitreya brought forth again the question “are you healing and nurturing the human collective, are you also holding them, sending them and filling them with compassion?” Greetings, I AM Maitreya, beloved brother of the future, old friend...
by Mary Valanzano
Join us for Jesus/Sananda’s bestowing of his Sacred Heart to us, then go with him, in this powerful meditation, that anchors us in the 5th/7th dimension of home… I want to welcome you to the Council of Love and to our regular Saturday morning conference...
by Mary Valanzano
Join a conversation wherein St. Germain helps us heal 3rd dimensional paradigms within ourselves, mostly based on lack and limitation, so we can be pure vessels of Light and Love in service to humanity So your question Carol is about ‘how is it that we do or don’t...
by Mary Valanzano
We are truly blessed to have had this channeling by Marianne Baer at the 15th Annual Gathering in Sedona. She is a gifted healer, channeler, crystal kingdom master and animal communicater. What a gift to go to Venus’ pool in Hana, Hawaii. Enjoy the journey. We...
by Mary Valanzano
…this is about unity; this is about what we talked about, what we came together for thousands of years ago. I AM Yeshua, I AM Sananda, I AM Jesus. I think when I walk the world I would like you to call me Yesha; it is a name that I am fond of; I know what to...