by Linda Dillon
In light of the earthquake and radiation leaks in Japan I am reposting this critical message from Gaia. Gaia has requested that this Saturday’s conference call, 11 AM EDT, to be live-streamed in order that all of us to join together in stepping forward to heal...
by Linda Dillon
This is an audio meditation channeled during a Saturday conference call. Gaia has called to us to nurture and comfort her – please join us in doing that. To listen (about 20 minutes) click...
by Linda Dillon
There has been so much circulated on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that there is great danger in becoming side-tracked into the drama and away from the centeredness of Love. This is a powerful message from Gaia about her needs and desires during this time of...
by Linda Dillon
Gaia beckoned me in the wee small hours to come and sit with her and post this. I had forgotten this channeling. As I read it through my tears I realize once again how long she has been inviting us to accompany her on this Ascension path. Read with your heart my...