by Linda Dillon
“A playful yet potent message on the importance of self-discipline :”it is this consistent practice that brings you from a place of reaction to choice, to consistent choice, and from there to the conscious awareness of consistently choosing the joy, the sense of...
by Linda Dillon
St. Patrick steps forward to talk to us about slaying the illusion of enslavement within. This earthy saint speaks to us of the importance of moving forward and not clinging to the illusion that we are not free to move in the fulfillment of our mission and purpose,...
by Linda Dillon
Our beloved Mary speaks to our hearts of her gift of stewardship of Earth, of the promise of peace, and what is means to fly through the portal. Through the Portal is the Council of Love’s theme for 2006, and we are each invited to join with the Mother and fly. It...
by Linda Dillon
Gaia beckoned me in the wee small hours to come and sit with her and post this. I had forgotten this channeling. As I read it through my tears I realize once again how long she has been inviting us to accompany her on this Ascension path. Read with your heart my...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings I am Mother Mary, Universal Mother, Mother Love, Mother of All. Welcome my beloved friends to my garden – to the garden of my heart and to the garden of my creation. I wish to speak to each one of you about my plan of unfoldment, for understand this...