Universal Mother Mary: Choose Where You Want To Be

“Choose where you want to be. Go to the happiest, most fulfilled moments of your life, not the most miserable, and choose to be in that energy. And then pick it up, like a bird picking up a fish, and bring it and drop it in your now, drop it in your future, drop...

St. Germaine: You Are Perfecting Your Beingness

“There has been a human obsession with doing. … One of the areas that you are perfecting right now – not in some distant future or some distant past, but right now – is you are also perfecting your beingness – your ability to be, and to be in the integrated...

Jesus Sananda speaks to Indifference, Apathy and Denial

“Go ahead gently, sweetly, kindly, lovingly. Wake up those who have fallen into the slumber of indifference. It is time for everyone to be awake. So, wake up sleepyheads!” Heavenly Blessings Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love Suzanne Maresca: Host,...