Part 2 is here.

Part 3 is here.

Part 4 is here.

Part 5 is here.

You have come to be the Heralds of this New Age…

Opening Channel with the Divine Mother

Greetings, I am Mary, I am Maré, Universal Mother, Global Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of One, Mother of All – and yes, beloveds, Mother of thee.

I welcome you to this time, to this period of rebirth, for is it not what you have been praying for? Is it not what you have been yearning, asking, and working for? This time of change, this time of shift, is in complete alignment not only with my Plan and the unfoldment of my Plan for this glorious planet, Gi’Anna; it is in accordance with your plan.

Now, some of you, sometimes, would say to me, “Mother, why did you not just sweep us up and bring us along in your Infinite Ocean of Time that we could have arrived at this point earlier, more smoothly, without the friction and the chaos and the feelings at times of despair and desperation, of being isolated and forgotten?” Certainly, it is within my purview that I could have done this.

I have not done this, beloveds, because I love you so much, because I honour you. I know you not only as angels of my multiple legions, not only as angels of change and agents of change but as powerful, sacred, determined, compassionate, joyful, loving beings. This has not been merely a trial of tribulation. This is you – of course with us, but also with all who claim the light and love – declaring, choosing, actioning, growing, creating, owning not only Nova Gaian but yourself in all the multitude of aspects, incarnations, and travels throughout the galaxies.

And you have come here of course on my behalf, on the behalf of the Father, and on the behalf of All – but also on behalf of yourself and this gathered circle today. And you have come to be the Heralds of this New Age – not merely announcers; we have given that job to Gabrielle! [Chuckling] You are the bringers, the inhabitors, not merely of your own divine sovereignty and divine authority but of this new age, this new time, upon this beloved planet of such diversity.

The gift was never uniformity! Otherwise, I would have replicated each one of you, and you all would have looked alike and thought alike… and it would be boring!

You are the adventurers, you are the Creator Race, and you are the anchors of the New – and yes, the destroyers of the old. So often on this planet, destruction has been in the name of arrogance or greed or war, self-satisfied intentions. That is not what I mean when I say you are the destroyers. You have pulled away. You have revealed and are revealing the New. You are making the choice according to my litmus test of love. It is so simple.

Yes, it may look like chaos – and you are certainly being penetrated with energies that are beyond anything you have ever known – but you have also crossed through the portal. You are flying back and forth in my continuum to finish the job. You do not do this alone, ever! I – and we – are with you in the deepest honouring and admiration, the deepest love.

You are so cherished. And yes, sweet ones, you are and you will be supported – not merely spiritually, but in every way that living on planet entails – for the completion is on planet, in form, with love.

So let us begin this glorious reunion. Let us start hand-in-hand-in-hand and heart-in-heart-in-heart.

Well, I will say farewell, but I will be back!