by Mary Valanzano
The gift that I bring you this day is twofold: it is in further preparation for your release of the old illusions and the embrace of the fullness of your divinity in alignment with the plan and with Gaia and with All…an intensification of my gift of clarity and...
by Mary Valanzano
The Council of Love tells us that this is the law that speaks to everything having a beginning and an end, and at the end, there is always another beginning. Although you finished this series, my beloved ones, the work with the Universal Laws has just begun. Nothing...
by Mary Valanzano
I do not simply love this or that particular piece of you or this portion of you, how you manifest now into form. I am not even speaking only of this lifetime and this expression of your divinity, I am speaking of all of you since the very beginning, every expression,...
by Mary Valanzano
Your mission and purpose is to be, to know and to experience love. Everything else emanates, grows, is fertilized by that. If you are not having the knowing, the joy, the bliss of love, then you are not on purpose. I want, and therefore I create in your hearts, in...
by Linda Dillon
A beautiful audio channeling from the Divine Mother on the continuing theme of sacred partnerships on this mornings Saturday conference call. I didn’t want to wait for the transcript for everyone to hear and experience this precious gift directly from the heart...
by Mary Valanzano
I want you to share this clarity, this expansion of love anchored within your very core. And I ask you to share it, yes, in your Sunday night peace meditation, and I ask you to send it to what you would think of as every troubled spot upon the planet: Egypt, Syria,...