by Mary Valanzano
On a special edition of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael shows us a wonderful glimpse into the angelic realm…Where they come from, what their mission is, what their form is, etc. Thank you Steve for bringing us this insight… GD: Hello and welcome...
by Mary Valanzano
This Ascension in form is due in part to the joy that was lost upon Gaia, the joy of being in form, of having a form and actually experiencing love in its totality and fullness in form. It was the original plan. It is the closing of the circle. It was always the plan...
by Mary Valanzano
When I speak of love, I am not merely speaking esoterically, spiritually; I am not merely speaking of feeling calm, serene, peaceful (which is my favorite); feeling that you are in alignment. I am talking about feeling loved, valued, cherished, honored, revered,...
by Mary Valanzano
The Mother has a Plan, and it is the unfoldment of the Divine Plan and the restoration of love on this beautiful planet, with a domino effect throughout the galaxies. Love is the energy of the universe and it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. It...
by Mary Valanzano
The energy that the Mother sends in this Tsunami of Love has its own intelligence, so it will moderate and modulate individually. The idea is love, bliss, ecstasy, knowing of joy, being of love, of being in the higher realm. We want you to know that it will penetrate...
by Mary Valanzano
You have been born into form, you have chosen — bravely, courageously — to step forward in this time of change, but you have done so because of your strengths, because of your valor, because of your gentleness, because you are dreamers and creators, and that you are...