by Mary Valanzano
Write across the sky, the oceans, and on each person’s heart that you encounter, write the word LOVE … Linda: How we’re going to start this morning, or this afternoon, wherever you are, is to go into our hearts. And I have chosen… I was guided, actually, to choose a...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings, I am St. Germaine. Welcome, my friends, healers, and creators of the Violet Flame, of the 13th Octave LaHoChi. It is good to see you again. It is good to gather here again. Through so many times and lifetimes that we have sat this way, and we have talked...
by Mary Valanzano
Long ago this Council, the Mother herself has taught you two fingers to the heart. Now, with those fingers, and with my Violet Flame, write LOVE everywhere, in the water, in the air… Meditation: So, close your eyes and go into your heart and really anchor in the...
by Mary Valanzano
So, let’s begin, let’s begin by relaxing. I know it’s Saturday morning and we all have a to-do list of things that we need to get done…and don’t we have a to-do list every single day? But let’s, together, just take this time for ourselves, to be in this place of...
by Linda Dillon
How do we know we are ascended? What does it feel like to be in our ascended self? In “Love+ Ascended You,” our beloved friend and ally St. Germaine invites us to look in the mirror, open the door and step into our I AM – for we are already there! And Linda...
by Traci
St. Germaine Saturday Conference Call Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: So, let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of St. Germaine’s I AM Presence. And welcome that mischievous, devilish, blue-eyed fellow into your room, into...