Archangel Michael on The Apparent Chaos in Our World

The recognition of what is transpiring upon your beloved planet and upon and within your hearts and your society collectives is unavoidable. An Hour with An Angel Radioshow Steve: Good evening everyone and welcome to An Hour with an Angel.  I’m Steve Beckow, editor in...

Belle’Anna ~ Being the Christopher Columbus of Spirit!

You are the pathfinders, the wayshowers, the Christopher Columbus of Spirit [laughing], and you are not engaging in war or annihilation so it is even better! Another delightful Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon....

Zentar of the Pleiades ~ It is simply Shift Change!

With warmest thanks again to EBSS (Earthbound Star Soul) for this inspiring Channelled Gem shared from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. Zentar of the Pleiades ~ It is simply Shift Change! Greetings, I am Zentar. EBSS: Greetings, Zentar. Is Zalishia on vacation...