Earth Delegation Steps Forward

The whole theme that the Council of Love has been talking to us about for 2012 is stepping forward and into action. Well folks I don’t think we have a problem. Both Steve Beckow (2012 Scenario) and I have been inundated with volunteers from all over the world to be...

Grener of Ashira of Neptune Invites Earth Delegation

Grener of Ashira of Neptune’s agreement on last night’s blogtalkradio show, Hour with An Angel, blew me away. The agreement was to accept an Earth delegation onboard the mother ship, the Neptune, and to allow the group access to the ship in order that they may return...

Hour with An Angel – Jesus Sananda

Tonight on An Hour with an Angel, Jesus made some startling revelations. To listen to this show and past shows, click on the link below: Perhaps the most interesting of which was the acknowledgement that he was indeed married to Mary Magdalene, had a daughter Sarah...

A Winter Poem

A beautiful poem by fellow lightholder Raisa Goltsin. Enjoy! Winter Season of peace, season of joy When the light of the day retreats But the lights light up In the homes, on the streets, And within our hearts. It is the season when we become sincere, When we pay...

An Hour With An Angel

Archangel Michael has created his own radio show – and it is incredible! Steve Beckow along with myself meet every Monday evening at 9 PM EST to chat with this Mighty One. To listen to the archived show go to the link below and click on either “play in your...