Message of The Day

In this I say to you, my beloveds, my friends, my allies, my keepers of Universal Law: “I implore you, I invite you: Apply the laws. Let me guide your hand and your heart, your mind and your being. Let us transmute and transform this planet instantaneously. Let the...

Message of The Day

I use the Violet Flame, and I write in the air and the water, the ground, and my heart. The use is absolute transformation. The use is the completion of our Mother’s Plan. The use is the remembering and the activation of your totality as the lightworkers, love...

Message of The Day

If you are one who has chosen the path of the builder, the seeker of new places, the places of tranquility and rebirth, then we suggest to you that you leave now for the places that have been calling you. Long ago, we have spoken of the safe zones. These have not...

Message of the Day

Your role has always been to be the showers of the way, to be the pathfinders, and yes, then to stand there and hold the door open. I will help you, gladly, for I’ve been waiting at that door for a long time. … Throw open your arms. Welcome what you have thought...