Human beings were never intended to engage with dis-ease or dis-harmony or illness. That is not the natural state of being. And when such minor variances and upsets occur, it is by turning to Gaia and to the kingdoms – that is where the sharing and the brilliance of that love-sharing truly occurs.

With gratitude to Lise for this beautiful Channeled Gem from her reading with Linda Dillon. Lise is a herbalist and teacher living at the gateway to the Adirondack Mountains in NY.

Archangel Raphael ~ Reconnecting With The Divine Healing Of Gaia & Of Self

Greetings, I am Raphael.

Lise: Greetings.

AAR: And welcome to you, sweet angel.

L: Welcome.

AAR: You are in communion with Gaia, with me, and with the plant kingdom, and it is on our behalf – and, of course, on behalf of your sacred mission and purpose – that you bring these books, this information, this wisdom, this grace, this sharing, these remedies – in the biggest meaning of the word – forth for people to consume mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, because there can be no separation.

And this is what humanity and the collective is learning and transitioning into – that it is a journey, yes, of course, of expansion and discovery, of service and of wonder. This is what you bring in the practical and in the esoteric. It is the reminder, the reawakening of the sense of wonder and awe of what has been arranged and given to the entire planet, including the human beings who so often exclude themselves. This theme of separation and of hierarchical thinking – and of structures and strictures for that matter – comes to an end.

When we speak of unity and unity consciousness, of unity heart, we are not merely speaking of the humans – quite the contrary – for it is in the expansion to unity of all the kingdoms that the true peace and love upon the planet occurs. And this is part of your sacred gifts that you are bringing forth. And might I say, perhaps it is not – and perhaps it is! – in the timing of sweet Lise, but beloved angel, it is most certainly in the divine timing of the Mother!

There is a return and a closing of the circle, and there is a return and a re-emergence and a regathering of interest in the natural elements, shall we say, of Gaia. People emotionally, mentally, physically, yes, are feeling overwhelmed, but they are also feeling polluted – and we use that word very specifically – because, energetically and actually, they have felt that they have been over-served, over-incorporated on every level with substances, with energy, with thoughts and emotions that do not serve.

So as the Mother is cleansing, as the Porlana C, the Tsunami of One is cleansing the planet, what re-emerges is this deep desire to stay in the purity of form, to truly utilise – without, shall we say, chemical intervention – that which is nourishing/healing/substantive, and to bring that not only into the physical realm, which of course is vitally important, but to bring it into the totality realm.

Because in the acceptance, in the desire, in the turning back and turning forward, is the reconnection, yes, with the divine healing of Gaia, of [Archangel] Gi’Anna, but also with the divine healing and the potentiality of self.

Human beings were never intended to engage with dis-ease or dis-harmony or illness. That is not the natural state of being. And when such minor variances and upsets occur, it is by turning to Gaia and the kingdoms – that is where the sharing and the brilliance of that love-sharing truly occurs.

So in many ways, sweet one, your timing is in perfect alignment.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn