We talk about the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan but I also want you to know of my presence, not only within that plan but within your hearts, within your desires, within your inspirations, within your ideas, within your dreams and your ability to create and to co-create your expression, your reality, your divinity…

Greetings, I AM Yahweh; Father and Grandfather, ally and teacher. Come my beloved one, crawl up upon my knee and let me hold you as we sit and as we explore and understand, not simply the inter-dimensional reality that you are currently in, but the wonder of your soul, the magnificence of your being. Beloved children of my heart, of my core, yes we talk about the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan but I also want you to know of my presence, not only within that plan but within your hearts, within your desires, within your inspirations, within your ideas, within your dreams and your ability to create and to co-create your expression, your reality, your divinity.

You did not simply journey to Gaia to have a physical experience. Even those of you who have come during very, what you have thought of as primitive times, whether it was in a cave or in a pastoral village, you did not come to simply have a physical experience. And I tell you one of the reasons why; it is not possible. You are multi-dimensional beings, you are complex creations from the very beginning and even if you are living in a cave you had a very sacred relationship with Gaia, with the elements, with the animals, and with each other.

You may not have analyzed everything to death, which is a tendency that the human race has developed. But now you are moving away from that. No, I do not suggest to you that the analytical skills and abilities fall away. What I am suggesting to you, what I am telling you as Father, is they are coming into balance, not only human balance but divine balance.

Analysis by itself may be interesting, but it is not worthwhile unless it is tempered with creation, with love and with action. That is the only purpose of analyzing. It is your quest to understand and it is not simply to understand us, it is to understand your sacred self, the totality of who you are and the totality of who you have always been.

You have had lifetimes where you have felt you have lost track, where you wavered or veered away from the truth, the might, the beauty, the love of who you are. But you have veered back and you have veered back, not only individually, but collectively. Have you achieved what you are wanting to bring forth as yet? No. Is the desire, the plan, the stamina, the drive there? Absolutely. It is magnificent and it is the proudest creation a Father and a Mother could ever hope for.

In your decision to truly embrace and create Nova Earth you are fully accepting the keys to the family business that I gave you long ago. You are saying “Father, I am ready and yes, I ask for gentle guidance and advice, I as for support and nurturing in the physical and non-physical realm, but I am ready.” We have thought you ready since the very beginning but your declaration, your decision to go forward in love is the key. We can never do it for you. It is not the nature of what we have birthed. But as you say “I am ready and I am actually ready to receive the help available” then look out beloved ones. Yes you are healing, but you are not simply healing, you are not simply clearing, you are not simply creating; you are doing everything at once.

Throughout the universe you are being observed with awe and amazement at what you have decided to anchor. And dear hearts, we are with you every step, every inch, every hair of the way. Turn to me, I am not some distant Father or deity, I am here holding you on my knee guiding, encouraging, cajoling, helping.

Go with my love and go in peace. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon 01-19-13