A rare message from St. Catherine reminding us of the peace of nature and inviting us to join her in finding our peaceful centres as we enjoy the gifts and beauty of Gaia.
I am Saint Catherine, little shepherdess. I address you this way not that I wish you to think of me as saint but if I was to say Sister Catherine you would not know who I am, and then are many who will still not know who I am, but it matters not for we are all one. And I have lived in many incarnations and been many Catherines, the oversoul.
I wish for you to remind each other of the gentleness of nature, for in that incarnation my job was to truly tend the sheep and I would wander throughout the hills alone with my flock, and I would seek those who get lost and certainly know I followed Our Lord’s example – I would never chastise one, but rather hold it precious to me to cuddle and love it. And yes there were nights as I sat where I would hear the sound that did not belong in the night, a foreign sound, the wolf. I did not fall into fear for I knew I was protected, and I knew my flock was tended to.
So I do not come this day to speak to you about dangers in the night, but rather the deep sense of peace. I knew morning, noon and night the glory of the sunrise, the peace of the afternoon, the enormity of the midnight sky. It was in nature to watch the light change, the flowers blossom through the seasons and to wither and die. The beauty of the leaves, the rocks, the texture of them, the roots, the trees, the growing of the lambs. It is in these things that I was blessed to see the magnificence of God’s creation, be part of the Mother’s plan.
My friends, my beloved sisters and brothers of Earth, I am privileged this day to step forward first of all to tell you of my love, for you are now the flock I watch over, each and every one of you. So when you are stuck in a hard place call me, and I will come to the rescue and I will cuddle and hold you, and when you are hungry because you cannot find the roots, call me. And when you wish to be reassured in the dark of night, come and cuddle by me and I will share my skirt, my smock with you, keep you warm.
But in all of this I invite you to go outside, there are wonderful creations upon the planet, whether it is in a city, in the country or in the Cities of Light. But the most magnificent creation to behold, to touch your heart and spirit and allow this sense of peace to simply allow is to witness the creations of what has been built and allowed outside. Go to the lonely places, the quiet places, and let your soul soar, let it soar to the sky and rest on the grass, let it be filled with amazement when you see the tiniest bird fly.
Witness the flight of the butterfly, the movement of the ant, the litany of the rocks. Go outside and sit with me, come and witness the miracle of this beautiful planet Gaia, in her abundant peace she holds us not just the human, not just the animals, but all of us. We move amongst you, so in our own way we are celebrating and honouring this mighty one Gaia. If you are tired and weary, do not lie on your bed, walk outside, go to the park, the mountains, to the stream and you will be reborn.
Come walk with me as I walk with peace, come join with us and sit watch the sunset, listen to the hum not only of the bees but of the universe and know that my blessings are with you. Farewell.
Farewell my sweet ones.
Channeled by Linda Dillon