You think of Love in terms of an experience. But truly, it is the energy of All; it is the energy of creation before creation, it is the energy when there is no creation, it is the energy of silence, it is the energy of movement, it is the energy of Stillpoint…
Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and welcome to another offering of Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness and myself, Suzanne Maresca. Today we are most honored to welcome Universal Mother Mary to the show and the subject that she wishes to discuss is “The Meaning of Love and the Nurturing of the Self.”
So many of us are committed to being in service yet what we can sometimes quite easily loose sight of is how vital it is to practice self care. Linda got the nudge to open the phone lines for your questions today about how to go about nurturing ourselves during these challenging days.
I’m also wondering how the Tsunami of Love is going because it feels like we just got a major wave of light information and it makes it that much easier to connect with higher wisdom, our own higher wisdom, which includes things that we have already known but are just now remembering. Good morning Linda.
Linda Dillon: Good morning Suzi and good morning everybody out there. Yes, it is an intense time and I think that when Universal Mother Mary nudged that she wanted to come on today and talk about this it seems like it is absolutely the universal theme. I know on our conference calls, on the various radio shows, in the various channelings, this is the soup ‘d jour is that Love, Love, Love, to quote somebody I know, and the care and nurturing of our sacred selves, the reminder that if we aren’t taking care of ourselves then we’re not taking care.
SM: Well, yeah, that’s true…and there’s also the central well…we need to make sure the central well is full and that we feed out to others from the overflow buckets because if we feed out from the central well then the well goes dry and we really can’t help anybody.
LD: Boy, that’s a really good way to put it, that’s a really good way to put it. You know, when you’re on the airplane and it always sort of makes me pause for a moment and they say, “If you need air during the flight, please put on your own mask first and then attend to other people” because I think a lot of us, our instinct would be to look for the closest child or the person that seems to be in need, take care of them and then tend to ourselves. But if we don’t take care of ourselves…Mother Mary, Lord Maitreya, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabrielle, Sanat Kumara, they have all told us that the Tsunami of Love is intensifying, that what we have been feeling thus far, which to me has been pretty darn intense, and I know some people have said, “I don’t feel a thing”…it’s like, wow, I don’t know about you but I am definitely riding the waves.
It has and it is intensifying again and so what that also means is that it is intensifying for us personally but also globally. And so that means that the energies are going to become stronger as, hopefully, the last bit of residue is washed away. But in that, more than ever, we need to be anchored really firmly in our bodies.
SM: Yes, I’m really looking forward to the clearing part being over because the Tsunami of Love seems to have triggered lots of peoples clearing and we know the clearing doesn’t really feel very good and doesn’t really feel very much like Love in our perceptions so once that’s over leaving us open to fill with Love and light then that will be something to look forward to.
LD: As I was sitting here meditating, obviously getting ready for the show, getting ready for my delightful time with all you guys, is that Mary was talking to me and you know, all of us, myself included, have these challenges that come up whether they’re financial or physical or emotional, they’re there and she was saying to me that so often in our reality, when something goes awry…i.e. clearing…that we tend to often revert and think ‘why am I being abandoned?’, ‘why am I being punished?’, ‘why me God?’ like, your aunt, doing my work, keeping my promise, and she was reminding me, in her very gentle way, that sometimes a challenge is the opportunity, and she wasn’t being Pollyanna about this, she was just saying, “Sometimes it’s just us nudging you to nurture yourself more, to take care of yourself more, to maybe pull back from what you’re doing and take care of yourself.”
SM: You know, yeah, what just occurred to me is that because of our conditioning and what’s missing from our lives, that some of us are forlornly waiting for someone else to come and take care of us, that’s what we really want. And I think that’s why we’re so easy to manipulate because we want to be told what to do and be cared for and that’s such an illusion…well, you know, anyway that’s just what I’m thinking…
LD: It’s true and we want someone, not just the unseen forces, but another human being, be it starseed or earth-keeper or somewhere in-between, we want them to look at us and see us and Love us and say, “You are incredible, you’re beautiful, you’re worthy, I Love you.” This is the thing, give a plug for our Annual Gathering about Union and Reunion, but this is why, this is the next step after the New You. The New You was an incredible foundation but out of that there were several threads and one of the biggest threads is this Union and Reunion. And where we are right now is that if we’re not in that deep sacred, sacred union, Love affair with ourselves, then we can’t, we can’t be in that sacred union, not with God/Source/Divine Mother/Father/One or with a sacred partner or with our family or with our friends. We, and I’m not trying to diminish the relationships with friends, but we can’t be in the fullness of that potential unless we’re in the fullness with ourselves. And if creation, if divinity is infinite and eternal then there is always room for that union with ourselves to be bigger, better, deeper, broader, more blissful…
SM: Yes, yes, and why would we now not do our best to step into that now instead of waiting?
LD: You know what? I think that that’s the key is that so often we say, “Well, after Ascension, after the Shift, after this, after that then I’ll be okay, then I’ll have what I want.” And really think what the whole Company of Heaven and the Council of Love is saying to us is, “Do it now.” For everybody who grew up up North, they used to have these ads on TV when I was a kid, and I’m sure that’s because the construction industry was so slow during the winter, they would say, “Why wait for spring? Do it now.” But it is, it’s like ‘do it now! do it right now!’
SM: Do it now…exactly…alright…shall we do a meditation?
LD: Yes, let’s do it right now…
SM: Alright, thank you.
LD: Thank you, thank all of you because you know, we’re all in different places but we’re all in this together.
So, take a nice deep breath and today, this morning, we’re going to work with Universal Mother Mary’s Blue Diamond. So, picture the color of a sapphire and sparkle it up with a million sparkles of diamond; take the sapphire and the diamond and merge them. And breathe in, in through your nose and on the exhale feel yourself sinking into your heart and relax. Relax your jaw, bring down those shoulders, feel yourself sink in to your chair, or your bed, the floor, wherever you’re sitting. Release those hips and your knees and your ankles and your sweet feet, right down to your little piggy.
And feel that Blue Diamond. Feel your heart as if it is a huge Valentine heart and it comes up to your shoulders and out…it’s huge…and the bottom of your heart comes right down to your root chakra. So you’re a Blue Diamond Valentine heart and my friends, my family, you are Love. And breathe. And go deeper and go deeper into your heart, let us fly through that pin-prick of light in the center of your heart, through the portal of your being. Fly through to the inner golden chambers of your heart, of who you are…magnificent angels. Regardless of who you are in this form you started as a spark of light and an angel so don’t forget that.
Come into your golden chamber and remind yourself of what is written on your wall, the sacred symbols, the writing about who you are, about the soul journey, not only of this life but of all lives and in-between lives. You don’t need to understand it, just let it come within you. And find your chair or your cushion and sit down and relax and breathe and Love yourself. Love who you are right now, not partitioning yourself, but all of you and see or feel or sense the Universal Mother, the Divine Mother, standing directly in front of you, because she is, because she wants to speak to you, to speak to your heart so that you can more deeply know her Love.
Universal Mother Mary: Greetings.
SM: Welcome.
UMM: And welcome to you beloved daughter. I am Mary, I am Mare’, Universal Mother, Mother of Love, Mother of change, Mother of constancy, Mother of all. Welcome sweet angels of light and yes, I have called to you, I have beckoned to you, but I have beckoned to you in such a way my sweet angels, that I show up to you, that I come this day and every day to you. And why do I do this? I do this because I wish you to know more deeply, more profoundly, more thoroughly, about Love. So, let us start there.
How can one possibly define Love? I can tell you very easily that it is my essence. Because you are in the construct of this magnificent planet, Gaia, my Archangel, you think of Love in terms of an experience. But truly, it is the energy of All; it is the energy of creation before creation, it is the energy when there is no creation, it is the energy of silence, it is the energy of movement, it is the energy of Stillpoint. Now you can observe Love, which I encourage you to do within your sacred self and with me. You most certainly can feel and experience Love, you can witness it, you can ignore it, which would be very sad, you can come to know it and then you can simply be Love.
Now this is not something that you have need to work at; you are born of our essence. Your DNA, your sub-atomic particles, your physical essence, your emotional essence, your causal, your mental, your spiritual is Love. Now, during what we would call ‘the dark times’ and why would we call them ‘the dark times’? Because this has been a period upon your planet when the brightness of Love, no it was not forgotten but it was certainly dimmed and limited. But that sweet angels is very rapidly becoming ancient history, both in our time, what you would think of as time, and in reality.
How do you reach the place of knowing, living, and accepting that you are Love, that you are Divine, that you are the bright children, daughters and sons of my heart, and that you are cherished, you are nurtured, you are tended to? Sweet angels, the most precious gift or undertaking that you can receive from me is the gift of knowing and being yourself. Yes, of being in this place of sacred, divine union, of deep abiding Love, acceptance, celebration, reverence, adoration of yourself. I know you Love, revere, honor, adore me; you would not be walking the planet in such service that has been incredibly difficult if you were not in service and in Love with and to and for me.
But what kind of Mother would I be if I said, “Well, that’s good, that’s enough, you Love me”? No, this entire plan is based upon you loving you and then each other in magnificent sacred union and partnership, in sacred family, soul family, community, Nova Earth, Terra Gaia. There is not one of you that I address this day and far beyond: People of Earth, you are generous, you are kind, you are hopeful. But are you all these things to your sacred self? Or are there still residuals and I suggest there is, residual, judge, jury… ‘I am too this’… ‘I am not enough that’…? You are perfect, you are co-creators, masters upon this planet, entrusted with the physical anchoring of Love and the regridding, repatterning, reconstruction of Earth from the soil, to the air, to the buildings, to the institutions, to the culture. This would not ever be entrusted to one that is less-than. I do not create less-than. That is an abomination, it is an abhorrent belief, it is a false grid, it is an illusion/delusion, it is not of truth, it is not of Love and it most certainly is not of clarity and grace.
So yes, do I scrub deep? Do I wash away what you can think of as ancient false grids and beliefs of the collective deep in the soil and deep within your psyches? Yes I do. But I am not, nor would I ever run roughshod over thee. I do this, yes with my Tsunami of Love, because we are in accordance, we are in agreement, and we have been forever. Have there been disastrous scenic detours, not only in other lives but in this life as well? Yes. Can you see, my beloveds, how this has taught you, how this has brought to the forefront greater compassion, greater prudence, greater stamina, greater valor and courage and a deep understand of how people get lost? Yes. But the time of being lost is over.
You say to me, “Mother, what would you have me do? Can you please just tell me? I am tired. I am tired of being poor. I am tired of being sick. I am tired of the aches and pains of this body. I am tired of being alienated from my family. I am tired of being in partnership with a spouse who does not understand me or agree with my belief systems. I am tired of war, of rape, of pillage upon the planet. Mother, just tell me what to do.”
And I am, not because I wish to override or interfere with your free will. I honor and respect you far too much for that. You may not know the might of who you are fully yet, but dear hearts, I do.
So this is your Mother’s plea: Surrender! Yes, as our beloved Lord Maitreya has said, “Lay down your arms and surrender to your freedom.” Surrender, not to me but to the beauty, the brilliance of who you are. Not that one shining moment that you had ten years ago, not who you are going to be when you feel a little bit better or lose ten pounds, surrender to the brilliance and the beauty and the might of who you are right now because dear hearts, you are magnificent. And it is in that surrender, that acceptance, that your vision clears, that your wisdom vision is fully restored, that the knowingness, the being of Love blossoms within you. You are limitless. What does this mean? That you can create. You are multi-dimensional beings, you always have been. You can multi-locate, you can pop in and out of form, you can see…you can see us, you can see the fairies, you can talk to the trees and your star brothers and sisters. All of this is already within you and I am activating it right now. There is no need to wait.
No, I am not talking about your neighbor or other lightworkers, I am talking to you, each of you. There is not one of you that does not have it all. So, Mother, what should I do? How does this surrender, what does it look like? Let me make it very practical because I am a practical Mother: I can create form and formless, that is why I have asked to speak to you about the nurturing. When you put form to what I am suggesting it allows you to experience it. So nurture in form, in body, tangibly, this is not merely about anchoring the higher vibrations, yes, that I am sending you; there is not a being in the unseen realm that is not sending to you at this point, but anchor it. Cherish your body, massage your hands, your feet, your arms, stare at a flower, stare at a cloud, hug yourself, feed yourself in ways that truly nourish you. No I’m not talking about what you have designed ‘eating right’, I’m talking about truly nourishing your body, mind, spirit, and that means with music, with laughter, with color, with texture, with clothing that makes you feel comfortable and safe, spend time with like-minded people. You say, “Well, there is no one who holds the same beliefs.” Then go to the dog park, go bird watching, they understand. Nurture yourself child, in form, soak in a bath, lay in a hammock, get a good night’s sleep, be extravagant…buy a new pillow, buy some hand cream, nail polish. Treat yourself as if you are on a heavenly holiday.
This is how you surrender and then you lie down and you simply say, “Mother fill me” and allow me to do so. Allow yourself the gift of being wrapped in my Love; allow me the gift, please, of wrapping you in Love.
Now sweet Suzi, where do you wish to begin?
SM: Ah, welcome Mother. It is always a joy to feel your energy so closely and I thank you for joining us today. I just have one question really, well maybe…you speak of the gift of knowing and being ourselves and what occurs to me is the people that are not listening to the shows, reading the blog, channeled information, the human thing is that as children we may be surrounded with information contrary to what you’re saying, the family we came into presents great challenge to self-love and that’s what needs discreation, that we need to let go of the how and trust that it will be done for people who really don’t know anything about Ascension and that the healing will take place. Would you speak to that please?
UMM: Yes, and that is why I say that I am not merely speaking to you, my sweet angels and lightworkers, Love holders, I address the people of Earth. Now you have noticed of late that this is the clarion call that we are all sending out. And you say, “Well, how does that work?” Because we know that there are thousands who listen or listen after the fact or read, but as you say it is the rest. When I speak this vibration goes out all over the planet. Now, why aren’t we seeing faster results? That is why I am intensifying the tsunami because yes, there is need for discreation; well, let us just say there is need for greater surrender. It is not malign intent on the part of families who think that discipline or paradigms of lack and limitation are healthy parameters for children, but it is a very mistaken, incorrect idea. It is one thing, for example, when you discipline your body because you desire to complete a triathlon because it is giving you incredible joy, that you are loving your body so much that you are in harmony with your body and you are celebrating your body.
It is an entirely different matter when you say, “I am going to whip this body into shape!” That is not nice; that is not loving. It is the same when you say to a child that there is a limit on the amount of Love that they can have. Too often I hear this saying, “The world does not revolve around you.” Well, in fact, it does, it was intended to! How else can you be in harmony with all of creation, with the dolphins, with the grass, with the mountains, with the bears, with the elephants, with the humans? Of course the world revolves around you and the issue is to come to understand that harmony, not to let it lead to greed. So there is simply adjustment in these conceptions that have been held. So, we won’t discreate but we will do some course corrections, shall we say.
SM: Alright, alright, so when you say that these are superpowers that will manifest right now, I’ve been…well I’ve been thinking big and you know, all my energy work, I mean I believe in it but I’m not really seeing it so it would really be wonderful to see it from your perspective. Are we going to start to really see what we’ve been doing?
UMM: Yes. Now, what you have need to do is also surrender to knowing you can see. So, for example, it is not just a matter of eyes open/eyes closed, it is both…eyes open, eyes closed. I want you to see me…eyes wide opened and I want you, I ask you, I invite you to join your wish with mine. That is how it works, you know.
SM: Well Mother, if I were to say I’m going to see you, I’m looking out my window right now at the woods next to my house, I can see you everywhere.
UMM: That is correct.
SM: So, are you talking about…alright, so it’s not necessarily a form for the Divine Mother that I’ve conjured up in my head, that I’m in my imagination, I can see you everywhere…
UMM: That is correct…
SM: …in the flowers outside…
UMM: Yes. You can see me everywhere and when you look in the mirror…but do not put aside that I will show up in many of my traditional forms as well.
SM: Oh, okay.
UMM: …because the human race, and I understand this, the human race more than my beloved lightworkers, they need some signs and I am prepared to give them.
SM: Oh yeah! I’m looking forward to that.
UMM: So are we!
SM: Yes. So we have some callers lined up, are we ready for that?
UMM: I have been ready for 12,000 years!
SM: Alrighty then…okay area code 810, you are on the air, are you with us?
AC 810: Yes, hello…
SM: Hello, good morning.
AC 810: Yeah, I think all my questions were pretty much answered, but as someone…I still suffer with substance abuse problems and depression and I guess my question is, “Are these like past life issues that come to the surface right now and do all the people with these problems get like help from higher realms? That is my question.
UMM: They most certainly get the help from the higher realms and particularly using my Blue Diamond as a healing tool, of filling yourself with my essence is one of the most powerful tools. Your addictions, let them go, surrender, surrender, surrender, surrender, and yes, let Archangel Raphael, St. Germaine, Sanat Kumara, myself, Yeshua, let us help you; you are not forgotten. So yes, you will be helped; you are helped every instant of every day.
AC 810: Okay, thank you.
UMM: Let go dear heart, let go. Farewell.
SM: Okay, alright…sorry everybody, I’m having some studio issues…
UMM: One of the things I wish to speak about is this issue of addictions. All addictions, anger, sex, sex, not intimacy dear heart, drugs, alcohol, it does not matter what it is, they are all addictions to pain. Addiction to perfectionism…I always have to be perfect…I always have to be first…I always have to prove myself or I won’t be loved; these are all addictions to pain.
The purpose of the tsunami is to wash away the pain of the human experience, the memory of the pain of the human experience. Now Michael, my beloved one, has often spoken that in Ascension, in this transition time that you are all in the middle of, well, actually mostly through, that there will still be a vague memory of what has transpired in the old 3rd so that it can never be repeated again. But the experience, the personal experience of addiction to pain will not be personal, it will be a collective memory, but it will not eat away at your very heart. So, surrender it dear ones, let it be, give it to me.
SM: Oh Mother, if I could ask for your help in getting the studio to cooperate with me because I can’t seem to take any more callers at this point. I’ve tried calling back in and we have more callers in the queue.
UMM: Yes, there are many that wish to speak today and there are many I want to address as well. Try again dear heart.
SM: Alright, I’m going to call back in.
UMM: And you say to me, “Mother, how can I Love myself?” It begins with forgiveness and then dear heart, it begins with laughter. Can you see the humor through the pain of those scenic detours, of those disasters that you have lived through? Can you see the wisdom and the courage that has fortified you? The first and most important thing I can tell you is not that I don’t want you to give up on us… and I don’t… but it is not to give up on your sweet, sacred self. You are worth loving; you are worth Love, more than you can ever imagine. The depth of who you are, the brilliance of who you are is beyond measure. Take the time merely to glimpse it and you will know whereof I speak. Embrace yourself. Just allow to let the Love for your sweet self to grow that you may reap the infinite reward of what you truly yearn for, long for, desire, hunger for…and that is union, not merely union with us but with your sacred partner, with each other, with your neighbor.
When my beloved son said, “Love yourself and Love your neighbor” what do you think he was referring to? And your neighbor, sweet angel, is not merely the house down the street, it is your brother and sister in Africa, in Afghanistan, in Japan, China, Europe, Asia, Australia. Love them…
SM: I’m back.
UMM: Welcome back dear heart.
SM: Oh, thank you. I apologize to everyone so, okay, are we ready for more callers then?
UMM: Yes we are.
SM: Alright, apology so, okay Area Code 661 are you with us? Hello, hello, are you there? You’re on the air…
AC 661: Oh, hi Suzanne, it’s Kathleen calling…Hi…it’s so good to talk to you in this way.
UMM: Welcome dear heart.
AC 661: Thank you, thank you. You have answered all my questions but in the last few days I went through some intense clearing and it felt like it was from a past life. I don’t know that I handled it very well…when you’re in the depths of the trough of the wave, would you give us some advice as to what to do because I forget everything when I’m feeling that way.
UMM: Do you mean aside from ‘hang on’?
AC 661: Yeah…(Laughter)
UMM: Because dear heart, sometimes when you are in the trough of yes, what I am calling the perfect storm, and you have done your work and your heart is true, and you are a faithful servant, and as you say, “I forget everything I know, I forget the qualities, the virtues, the tools” because you are in pain. What you do is you surrender to us, you surrender to the Love within. Despite all the illusion of the pain, you know you are Love and you know that you are surrounded, seen and unseen, by Love and you simply hold on to that, let everything else go. Yes, it is a walk of trust, and you allow, like Moses in his bulrushes, little cradle going down the Nile, you simply ride the wave and hold onto the Love, to my Love, to your Love, and to the Love of the universe because sweet angel, that is all there is. So, put aside the tools. Don’t try to be running hither and yon, ‘I’ll try this, I’ll try that’, surrender and be the Love and let the pain flow through you, out of you; sometime it will be literal, vomiting, sweating, tears, diarrhea, let it come.
AC661: Okay, was that a past life I was letting go of then because all our timelines are being cleared?
UMM: All timelines are being cleared and in this phase what is being cleared also are very ancient archetypal experiences that have been anchored, not only upon Gaia but in this universe.
AC661: Umm, that’s very helpful. Thank you so much. I Love you.
UMM: Dear heart, you are the symbol that I can say this to…You are doing the work. When you have need wrap yourself in my blue velvet cloak and simply know you are loved and there is purpose to what the clearing is about.
AC661: Thank you so much, I Love you.
UMM: And I Love you, I Love all of you.
SM: Okay, so we are on to Area Code 561. Are you with us?
AC561: Hi. I think that I might have had an experience of something that you were just talking about. This morning I woke up and I kind of ate some things I was not used to last night. We had a party at my house on Saturday and I talked to my body and I said, “Please transmute anything in there that I don’t usually have so it is a neutral effect and I don’t know if this has anything to do with it but I turned on my right side and this huge wave of fiery energy came from the left and came into my body and I went to go to the bathroom, I was so dizzy. And just to make a long story short I got very, very sick afterwards; I was crawling on the floor and my husband was helping me with a bucket so I just…and I’m still feeling some effects from this now and we called a friend who is very connected and she said she was picking up that I was connecting to a hurricane that is forming. So, I just wanted some insight into this…I never experience these kinds of things…that you just said—vomiting and being drenched with sweating—I’m looking for some insight I guess…what’s going on?
UMM: You asked for a clearing dear heart.
AC561: Oh, when I asked for the food to be neutralized? Be careful what you wish for…
UMM: So yes, you are actually…and you are one, and this is true of many of you and it is part of what I Love about you, you do not do things in half measures and so there is a tendency to say, “Okay, now I’m clearing this” and you do it all at once. And that is alright but that is exactly what is…the spiral is like the tornado, the whirlwind, the hurricane…no you are not clearing the hurricane, we are taking care of that but that is the energy of the whirlwind, the tornado, going through your body to cleanse and to allow it to be in the balance. So, that is exactly what has happened. Rest and insure, and I mean this to everybody who is listening, insure this time, not only that you are drinking sufficient water, programmed water dear heart, program it with whatever you want but please include my Blue Diamond, but also insure that you are getting your electrolytes.
The chemical and shall I say alchemical balance of your body right now is very important, so insure that you are getting enough of your electrolytes.
And sweet angel, yes, what you are processing is also some of the whirlwind in the Middle East. Thank you.
AC561: Oh, thank you so much.
SM: Have a great day.
UMM: Go with my Love.
SM: We are on to Area Code 206, are you with us?
AC206: Yes I am. Good morning, thank you for taking my call. Hi, this is Julie. So, I relate to what everybody else is saying, the energy is really intense lately. My question though is related to parenting and we talk about the deep programming that we all have and oh, the number of times we have heard ‘life is hard’… ‘that’s just the way it is’…and I struggle a bit with parenting a young child because I want to do it differently but she can be quite a handful sometimes, she’s not always very polite to other people and I know there’s a new parenting paradigm that all of the parents right now are working on. So, I’d like to ask for your advice and wisdom in helping with this. Thank you.
UMM: Dear heart, you are welcome and of course you speak of a subject that is very near and dear to my heart because you know that I have walked the earth as mother. There were times…you speak about politeness…(Laughter)…and yes I would say to Yeshi, “Can you not simply be more discrete?” Your way would be ‘tone it down!’ And part of the paradigm, the new parenting paradigm, how does one balance…this is important…freedom and the fullness of expression with kindness, self-discipline… which is different from being disciplined…and what is often forgotten…graciousness, expansiveness, consideration for others because that is the paradigm of Nova Earth.
Let us say, and to you dear Julie and to many who are listening, you are an incredible mother and yes, you feel like you are walking the razor’s edge and it doesn’t matter whether your child is a newborn or 7 or 17, this is a difficult walk because you want them to unfurl their wings, you want them to know that they have wings, of what they are capable of, but with that capacity and recognition of who they are also comes the responsibility to set the example, for the other children and those who are growing, of what true beingness of Love looks like.
So the rule of thumb is the same as when Yeshua walked the earth, and there were times when he was 30 I would remind him of the same thing, ‘Is that loving? Is that kind? Is that considerate? It may be the truth, it may be an expression of what you feel but is it kind? Does it build the sense of family, of trust, of community, of true sharing? Or, does it deplete, does it diminish, does it actually hurt or harm? Those are the boundaries dear heart. Never, ever hesitate to turn to me to help you with parenting; it is one of the most sacred undertakings of service, particularly at this time when the children that are being born and who are already on the planet are of a vibration never known before.
To say you have your hands full is putting it mildly. But do not forget in all of this, even as you are pulling out your hair, that laughter, laughter is so important. You can get, all of you, busy with your own journey, with the day to day work that having a family, let alone careers, entails. Make sure that you take time, not only for your sacred self and for your children, but for the laughter, for the hugs, for the cuddles, for the simply sitting together and watching the bunny rabbits and the birds. I am with you. And yes, there are times when you will say, “I hate doing this but I am the disciplinarian because what you are doing is not kind, it is not loving.” But you will be kind and loving in that discipline, in that teaching of responsibility.
SM: Beautiful. Thanks for your call. Okay, we are on to Area Code 559, are you with us?
AC559: Yes, good morning this is Dottie and thank you, thank you to you, my dear Suzi and beloved Mother. I’m full of emotion and gratitude for your availability in this way. What is coming up for me is to address the resistance that comes up for me along the way, the part of me that pulls away and to confess that and open that to you and just get your input on that clearing and that part of me that resists.
UMM: Beloved angel, my sweet Anna, I begin by thanking you for your courage in naming what so many experience because there is this resistance, both actual, named or subtle and it is primarily based in fear… ‘I resist this surrender, this acceptance of Love that I, I Dottie, am the truth and the power and the totality of Love’ because if I do that, if I actually do it and the Mother doesn’t come through, if I still feel alone and have moments of feeling less-than or isolated or poverty of any kind, then I have nowhere to retreat to, I have let down my last line of defense and then where will I be? I will simply have to lie down and die and I will die in complete and utter despair.
It is true that letting down that self-protection…you have an expression ‘better the devil you know’. You know and you have traveled far and I do not merely speak to you dear Dottie, I speak to all of you, you have traveled so far none of you are who you were a couple of years ago, none of you. So, you have gained a level of enlightenment, of expansion, of understanding the connection and feeling the Love and the expansion of many of your abilities and capabilities. You know the Love, you feel it above and you feel it between yourselves. So why would I risk it and why, dear Mother, are you asking me to risk it? You’re asking me to put all my chips into the poker table, the center of the table.
The reason I ask you isn’t merely for my unfoldment of the plan, it is my deepest desire that you know even more who you really are; the amazing, bright, brilliant angel that you are. But you say, “I’m satisfied, I’m okay, I’m okay.” But you’re not, you’re not all the way there yet.
So the question is what to do with the resistance? What do you do with a child who is afraid of the dark, who thinks there is a boogieman in the closet or a monster under the bed? Well, you post the mighty Archangels. You turn on the night light, which is the white light, you fill the room with Blue Diamond, and then you curl up with your head either in my lap or in the lap of Gaia and you let us gentle you into that surrender. Force is unacceptable in any realm. You can not and I will never guide or request or ask of you to force anything. It is not like pulling off a bandage quickly, it is gentling yourself into this surrender that you are so cozy and feeling so safe with us and with yourself knowing that you are attended to, that the resistance just begins to dissolve. Resistance is one of the core issues of the human race. They want to think they know it all; they have defined their tangible world and even the unseen, intangible, they think they have defined…they have not even begun to define it. But never-the-less there is more.
So it is us, but me, your Mother, saying to you, “I have something very precious, very beautiful I want to share with you and show you. Let me take your hand and walk as slowly and as gently as you are ready so that the fear factor of resistance simply goes away.
AC559: Thank you.
UMM: Go with my Love sweet angel, always.
AC559: Yes, I will do that.
SM: Ah, nice. So we are on to Area Code 408.
AC408: Good morning.
SM: Good morning, you’re on the air.
AC408: Thank you. My name is Sharon and thank you for taking my call. Mother Mary, I would like to ask you a blessing for all the children that have been experiencing unexplained seizures. And then I would like to ask Mother Mary…I have been listening to this show for some time and have been hearing about the Tsunami of Love and I have just been wanting to experience that so much and I haven’t felt it yet. So, is it coming in stages or are some of us getting it sooner than others or can you explain that please?
UMM: It has come in stages, yes, and by the way the blessings have gone out to the children.
AC408: Thank you.
UMM: Now, one of the reasons dear heart, that you have not fully felt it does not mean that it doesn’t happen. Let me be very clear about that because this is a very important point that you have touched upon…if you are breathing polluted air you may not know it but you are still breathing in those particulates. Now, I am not suggesting in any way that the tsunami is polluted, but you get what I am talking about; you are still receiving the energy. Now, you have been, can we say, earth occupied, family occupied, your attention has been on maintenance and family and those you cherish. So, sometimes you are not even aware, and this is true of many, many, many of you, you are not aware fully of the energies that are moving through you. That does not mean that you have not received. There is not one being…human, hybrid, starseed, earth-keeper… there is no one upon Gaia that is not receiving this blessing. And the fact that your clarity has been increading, sweet angel, is a marker for you to understand that my initial gift, the gift of clarity and purity is making you more and more aware of what you are and not perceiving and receiving.
But this is what I suggest to many of you, because this is a practical application, I want you to get in the bathtub or if you are lucky enough the pool or if you are very lucky then get in the lake, the river, the stream, the ocean. But one of the reasons I suggest the bathtub is that it is small enough and private enough for you to simply be with your sacred self. Immerse yourself as much as you can, relax, light a blue candle if you wish, I would like it, and then dear heart, this is very important, I want you to be like a child and make waves in your bathtub and to simply say, “Here comes the tsunami” and to feel those little waves washing over you and the Love, my Love, seeping into you. And when you are toweling yourself dry, you are not wiping off the Love, you are patting it into yourself.
Do this as often as you can and feel my presence because I am with you.
SM: Beautiful and I’m sorry caller 408 I had to mute you because of the feedback, but hopefully that’s all good. Thank you for calling and have a wonderful day. Okay, so we are on to our last caller here, we have Area Code 928. Are you with us?
AC928: Hi, yes I am.
SM: Hi, you’re on the air.
AC928: You know, when I was younger I wanted to be a nun and not being raised Catholic or anything and I’ve always kind of felt married to God. Right now in my life I’m just so confused and I don’t know how or what the next step I’m supposed to take is. Can you help me Mary, please?
UMM: When we have begun this show, sweet angel of Love, and you have been a nun many times by the way, I have suggested ways in which you can observe Love, you can feel Love, you can witness Love. What I am asking you to do, right now for your next step, take a giant step backward…step back and be the witness, be the observer. You are caught in the mêlée of the drama. Step back and then observe yourself…forget everybody else…observe yourself being Love, receiving Love, giving Love. That is your next step; be the observer, do not be hasty, do not retreat, do not move forward, be the observer and let it emerge because it will and it will be rapid. But first, be the observer and observe the Love. Can you do that for me?
AC928: I believe I can. I see it every day; Love is in the air, Love is in the wind, Love is in the grass, Love is in the butterflies, Love is in the birds, Love is everywhere.
UMM: Then simply be the observer and receive, receive, receive, receive.
AC928: Okay. Thank you so much Mother Mary.
UMM: You are welcome dear heart.
SM: Alright, we have about a minute left if you have any closing comments that would be wonderful. And I just want to say thank you to all our listeners and callers today.
UMM: And I thank you as well. See the magnificence of who you are. Nurture yourself please. See the glory, the brightness, the brilliance. Love yourself so that you may enter into the sacred union with others. Do not judge yourself, no matter what and do not judge others.
I am with you always and in all ways. Go with hope, go with Love. Farewell.
SM: Farewell. Thank you Mary, thank you so much.
Channeled by Linda Dillon