There is not anything in the air you breathe and the water you drink and the ground you trod upon that is not filled with joy. You say to me, “Gaia, how do I get to this place of readiness, of seeing the joy in everything?” … send streams and paint balls and orbs and laser bolts of yellow to the entire planet, from the inside out!

Greetings, I am Gaia, Archangel of love, Archangel of change, and Archangel of constancy, yes, just like the Mother, for from whom else could I take the qualities that she wishes to infuse upon this planetary system? My beloved ones, I welcome you. I do not call to you this day in need but in joy, in reverence, in community and comradeship and the joining of our hearts.

My shift is complete and I am well anchored in the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensions; and therefore dear hearts, so are you. It is not possible and many of you have felt that the illusion of the 3rd is simply that and the veils are gone. And you can feel my presence, the presence of your guides, of the Mother, of the archangels, particularly the archangels; you know our presence is with you. The shift has been dramatic and the awakening, although from your perspective it has been gradual, from mine, dear heart, it has been rapid and yes with an element of drama, but that will pass.

What I want to speak to you this day is about the joy that I bring you and it is not coincidence that I have asked this channel to speak, particularly this day, of the flowers and that is so as many of you turn into the winter months. But while you can, enjoy the yellows of the beech trees, of the maples, of the oaks, enjoy the yellowing of the grass, of the hay, of the fields, enjoy the yellow of the sun, enjoy the yellow of your joy; Gabrielle, Archangel of Joy, but she is not alone in this undertaking.

Why do you think, sweet angels, that I plant so many trees, such a wide variety of landscapes, such a wide variety of oceans, of waterways, of streams, of lakes? I do so, yes of course, because it is part of the Mother, but I also do so to make you smile. You do not need to go to the virgin places on the planet, although it is nice, to witness what has never been seen or trod upon.

A ladybug in your garden, a beetle, a toad, a bunny, a bird, a simple stone, each with their own unique energy fields and gifts, they are clamoring and are demanding to be heard; this is not the gentle whispers and even the fairies are raising their voices. They wish you to know the joy of their existence and to share it with you; not only their powers, their qualities, their capacities to heal, but simply the joy of being. It is in every blade of grass, every speck of sand, every mote of dust. There is not anything in the air you breathe and the water you drink and the ground you trod upon that is not filled with joy. We are all filled with joy and excited and what is transpiring and that you are joining us, finally.

You say to me, “Gaia, how do I get to this place of readiness, of seeing the joy in everything?” Well dear heart, you do not get it by watching FOX News, you do not get it by watching mayhem, you do not get it by worrying; you get it by allowing and one of the best ways to begin this allowing is to come and rest with me, come and let me treat you as the Mother that I am. Let me restore your full connection to everything and everybody that the Mother has birthed. There is no need for exclusion just as there is no place for judgment.

Let us begin this day. So when you are doing your Peace Meditation tomorrow night, can I suggest to you that you come and you sit with me, yes upright, by the Council Fire with the keepers of my flame and that we send streams and paint balls and orbs and laser bolts of yellow to the entire planet, from the inside out!

I am proud of you, I am proud to call you sister and brother, I am proud of the choices and decisions that you are making, to be with us in the highest realms. We are here, we are not distant, and we are awaiting your acceptance of our invitation. We know you will say ‘yes’.

Go with my love and go, sweet angels of grace, in peace. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon