Message of the Day

Many of you are war-torn and weary, and feel … that your strength is diminished … You have been magnificent, peaceful warriors. You are the bravest of the brave, and you are cherished to infinity. But you need a new grid. … this golden, fresh start....

Message of the Day

It is time to commit right now at this time of Conjunction, to allow that radiance to come forward and to shine – irreversibly and magnificently.  Our Lady of Guadalupe

Message of The Day

You are the wayshowers, you are the pathfinders, you are the teachers, the healers, the channels, the pillars. Do not tarry… no, do not rush…be in the rhythm of your own being, of your own heart, but put it in tandem, match it to the rhythm of Gaia, to her heartbeat...

Message of The Day

Compassion is not merely passive, it is part of who you are, it is part of how you express love. I not only ignite your compassion, I give you again my gift of Compassion because for you, yes you who walk in this chaotic upheaval of shift and ascension, you are more...

Message of The Day

My dear friends, my beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, I come this day with Gabrielle to speak to you of the New Grid of Humanity, the New Grid of the Human Collective. As the channel has indicated, many of you have been doing the final work with the removal of...

Message of the Day

So what we would ask, what I ask of you my partners, my children, my loved ones, is to bring these places {Cities of Light}, your expression would be ‘fully on line’. I will begin by asking thee to focus on North America. I am working with others in other continents,...