Message of The Day

And there is this other argument that there are already too many people on-planet, which is a joke. There are times when there is a sense of too many people on planet simply because the organisation – and the priorities – have gone awry. That is why we are so keenly...

Message of The Day

In your understanding, beloveds, the future is not what lies ahead. The future is right now. Embrace it. Embrace it with the golden laughter, with the glee, with the excitement of a child and the wisdom of an elder, because you are all of it. Let us go exploring, the...

Message of The Day

My teaching is simple, and that is to trust, and in the trust, to find the wholeness of service. It is not sufficient to walk the planet and be whole and even believe you are whole, unless you extend a hand to another, Sai Baba

Message of The Day

The humans, this beautiful collective of angels in form, are realizing that they are not alone, that they do not ‘reign over’ anything, and that they are and have been intended to be in harmony with all that is sacred, all that has been created upon this Earth, and...

Message of The Day

Do not forget: time is a construct that we have created and that you have adopted for your existence in the 3rd dimension but, understand, we are not inviting you to stay there in the 3rd! Archangel Gabrielle