Message of the Day

Your first primary job is to be and to know love, to express love, and to do so in such a way that you are in infinite joy.   Jesus Sananda

Message of the Day

… walk in these cities of light to meet your brothers and sisters of crystalline beauty, to join with them and the many races that inhabit these cities.   Jesus

Message of The Day

When you will to do good, when you are in alignment with your sacred self, your divine, universal self, and the Mother/Father/One, you radiate this out. None of us have ever asked, requested, or encouraged you to get on a soapbox anywhere. One of the qualities of...

Message of The Day

So my message to you this day is do not let your hope die, do not let your light die, hold it. And when it is a fallow time, when it is a time a time of regeneration, when you have need to go into your cocoon, do so and nurture the light that it will burn brightly yet...

Message of The Day

Now, towards the center of your heart I want you to see that pinprick of white light, that portal, that wonderful portal and although it’s tiny, you know it is the portal you can fly through as your true angelic self, as your fairy self, as your butterfly self, into...

Message of the Day

So not only go with my love, BE the love, and go in the deepest peace as we travel into the height of the wave, into my New Time.  Universal Mother Mary