Jesus Sananda ~ The Miracle Of Your Resurrection

If you truly want to be reunited, to be the Love, take my hand and come with me to the 13th Octave. Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshua. I am Yeshua, brother of magenta, brother of peridot. I will be whatever ray or color you desire, but I share my magenta of...

Archangel Gabrielle ~ A Time of Decision

Archangel Gabrielle ~ A Time of Decision Greetings from the Council of Love. I am Gabrielle, Herald of God and Messenger of One. I come this day to speak to all lightworkers, not only across North America but across the world, of love and joy, of a new way of being....

Archangel Michael’s Gift of Rake & Trowel

Archangel Michael has asked me to share these gifts which were bestowed upon the participants of the 2020 13th Octave Intensive. We are all Gardeners of Gaia, and it is time for all of us to tend to our individual and collective gardens. It’s time to set aside...

The Expansion of 13th Octave LaHoChi

Lao Tzu talks about Lao’s Chi and balance and the continuing evolutionary nature of LaHoChi. “It is time for this planet’s collective, this sacred gathering of humans receive the frequencies of the transformation, the increased frequencies of this ancient...

Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message – You Are the Champions

Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message ~ You Are The Champions Greetings, I AM Mary, I AM Mare’, Universal Mother, Eternal Mother, Mother of One, and Mother of all, Mother of the oceans, and Mother of the sky, Mother of the internal, and Mother of the external. I...