by Elizabeth Farrington
Caring is the trait of all angels, all ascended realms, all ascended beings, and caring is never myopic. And the other thing that I wish to say…‘caring, gentle caring, nurturing, kindness to your sacred self is paramount and you need to…I implore you…to do whatever it...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Between the in-breath and the out-breath, no matter how miniscule, there is that moment of Stillpoint and in that moment, that nanosecond, is the implosion and explosion, the formulation of creation. The out-breath of the Mother, her exhalation, is creation. It is the...
by Elizabeth Farrington
And when you think of it, beloved, the equines – yes, even the most secluded, excluded thoroughbred racehorse to the wild ponies – in many ways, the horses are also the intermediaries between what you think of as the ‘wild’ and the ‘domesticated’. They are the totems,...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We move amongst you, so in our own way we are celebrating and honoring this mighty one Gaia. If you are tired and weary, do not lie on your bed, walk outside, go to the park, the mountains, to the stream and you will be reborn. St. Catherine
by Elizabeth Farrington
But this day I bring you my Violet Blaze. It’s not the bonfire. It most certainly is not the embers. Remember child, sister, brother, one, when I have welcomed and initiated you into my Temple of the Violet Flame, and you have ignited, and you have incinerated, and...