by Elizabeth Farrington
…think every day of three things: of gifts you have been given, insights you have received, insights you have arrived at, actions you have taken. Celebrate every single day – and that is setting the landscape for your new reality! Archangel Michael
by Elizabeth Farrington
What you committed to two years ago, ten years ago, one thousand years ago, was one thing, but you are wiser now. You may not always feel that but I assure you, you are wiser, you are more deeply integrated, you are more unified, and in the purest sense of the word,...
by Elizabeth Farrington
Your guides are the gift of the Divine Mother. It is her gift of love so that you know that you do not travel alone, that you are helped at every twist and turn. There is no one who does not have a retinue of guides. Their only purpose is to love you, to help you...
by Elizabeth Farrington
All you have to do is allow yourself to be loved. Let me show you how this is done. I will not show you how to hate, or distain, or decry others, I will show you how to love. Jesus Sananda
by Elizabeth Farrington
There is a massive difference, beloveds, between stillness and Stillpoint, and I remind you that the process of creating this Nova Earth has not changed… and that you bring it to the Stillpoint of your being and The Being, of your I AM and The I AM. And then you expel...