Message of The Day

There is much talk upon the Earth about the great changes to come. The changes come from the people. Now, what does this mean? It means that you slay the serpent of illusion and that you live in accordance with the heart and mind and will of God, not of external...

Message of The Day

You are traveling light… you are light traveling, traveling at the speed of love, interdimensionally, through time and space. Do not go back to ancient grievances, do not go back to ancient wars… stay in the current of now and future. Entrain with your friends, with...

Message of The Day

The calming of energy, the entrainment of love, the cohesion to change is the key. And compassion for your sweet self. The stand-alone truth, my brothers, and sisters is that you are love. You each express it in different ways; some of you are compassion; some of you...

Message of The Day

You, you are playing the game of life, you are playing the game of creating Nova Earth, and there is no more exciting adventure. Sometimes you say to me, “Lord, I am tired, and I am fed up.” And other times you say, “I am amazed and excited.” I am with you in all...

Message of The Day

There are reasons why Gaia and I have created seasons and tides and day and night. There are times to withdraw – reconstitute, regenerate, reflect, reintegrate – and you have done this and now you step forth. You do not know the full magnitude of the adjustments and...