by Elizabeth Farrington
You are here on planet to see the fruition of this period of time of Her plan. And many of you, the strongest of the strong, have waited eons to see this, and not only to see it but to be part of it, leading the parade. Not in ways that are in control or boastful, but...
by Elizabeth Farrington
And so, now I come, and I join you again, and I beckon you again to come with me, not into the cave but to travel on the waves and to sail beyond the horizon where your ‘new’ lies, and where you create what has been promised, and what you are promised, and what I have...
by Elizabeth Farrington
If you are one who has chosen the path of the builder, the seeker of new places, the places of tranquility and rebirth, then we suggest to you that you leave now for the places that have been calling you. Long ago, we have spoken of the safe zones. These have not...
by Elizabeth Farrington
We are constructing our new relationship. Even for the humans to get to a point where they tacitly acknowledge that they aren’t alone in their exclusive club of the universe, has taken years. Cdr Plaed’or
by Elizabeth Farrington
There is no room for puffed-up self-importance because in the kernel, the fabric, the matrix of who you are, carrying that essence of Divine Patterning in your unique expression, you are already extraordinary. And as Jesus Sananda has declared, this is a time and a...